Mother Nature and COVID-19

In an attempt to minimize the spread of COVID-19, millions of people throughout the world are having to succumb to the unthinkable…staying at home and not leaving unless it is for grocery shopping, going to the pharmacy or for some other essential business. Thank goodness for those in essential businesses,  grocery stores and first responders because without them many of us may not be surviving. There is no doubt it is extremely difficult not visiting friends, or relatives, not having high-school graduations, postponing weddings and in some very sad situations, no funerals.

I applaud the number of people who are cooperating and abiding with the rules to stay at home and not spread the virus to others. I admire the strength and determination of people surviving during these terrible times without income. I am also in awe of the way Mother Nature is taking over. Now mind you, I am not a big environmentalist and I am ashamed to tell you I just recently starting recycling, but I find it amazing  how much COVID-19 and Mother Nature seem to becoming a tale of two beginnings.

Charles Dickens’ writes, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity….” This quote is  the first line in his epic novel, A Tale of Two Cities. Of course, this famous line can have many modern-day interpretations. I wonder sometimes what those interpretations may be. Could people interpret the lines about being of our loss of fame, power, beauty, or money while being shut in as Mother Nature takes over and environmental conditions improve?  What is improving ask some people sequestered away in shelters, unemployed or sick?  The earth is improving. The earth is healing itself and when we get out of our quarantines/stay at home rules/you will see how much the environment has changed.

  • Scientists are speculating that keeping people home might change the way the Earth moves. There has been a reduction in the vibrations taking place in the Earth’s crust.

  • Venice canals are clear enough to see fish underneath the water.

  • People in India are seeing the Himalayas for the first time in decades as pollution eases.

  • Wildlife is ruling national parks and Yosemite is seeing an increase in bears and wolves.

  • Prides of lions are seen resting on dusty roads in Kenya and Tanzania.

The world is improving as we are forced to stay at home.

I recently read a post on a social media outlet about Mother Earth is giving us a message that we are guests on this planet and not its master. But people can remain their own masters by the way we conduct future business, attend social events, share holidays together with friends and family as we all acclimate to a healthier world. COVID-19 may not be over, but neither is the human nature to fight and survive during this pandemic.

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